Senin, 02 Juli 2018

Tugas 4 Softskill : Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi

Tampilan Aplikasi Laundry Online Berbasis Web

Tampilan home user
Tampilan kontak

Tampilan daftar akun baru

Tampilan login user

Tampilan pesanan user

Tampilan status pesanan

Tampilan login admin panel

Tampilan dashboard admin pusat

Tampilan pesanan masuk admin pusat

Tampilan proses pesanan admin pusat

Tampilan pengiriman pesanan admin pusat

Tampilan pesanan selesai admin pusat

Tampilan detail pesanan

Tampilan persediaan admin pusat

Tampilan jenis pesanan admin pusat

Tampilan daftar id pelanggan

Tampilan laporan keuangan

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Tugas 3 Softskill : Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi

Perkembangan Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi Berbasis Mobile & Web Segabai Trend Masa Kini

Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi adalah kegiatan yang mengatur pelayanan baik dalam perusahaan, masyarakat, bidang akademik, maupun instansi pemerintah dengan berbasis teknologi informasi. Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi ini sangat penting bagi pengguna dan organisasi  untuk memudahkan proses dan kegiatan manajemen. Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi juga mempunyai beberapa manfaat yaitu dapat mempercepat proses layanan, dapat mengurangi biaya, serta menghasilkan pendapatan atau keuntungan yang lebih besar. Peran Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi memiliki pengaruh besar dalam organisasi karena jika organisasi dapat memanfaatkan teknologi informasi maka jaringan komunikasi yang cepat serta mengatur aktivitas tidak terbatas pada ruang dan waktu. Berikut contoh aplikasi Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi:

E-commerce merupakan suatu cara berbelanja atau berdagang secara online atau direct selling yang memanfaatkan fasilitas Internet dimana terdapat website yang dapat menyediakan layanan get and deliver. E-commerce akan merubah semua kegiatan marketing dan juga sekaligus memangkas biayabiaya operasional untuk kegiatan trading (perdagangan) Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan komputer menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan kultur kita sehari-hari. Dalam era yang disebut “information age” ini, media elektronik menjadi salah satu media andalan untuk melakukan komunikasi dan bisnis. E-commerce merupakan extensiondari commerce dengan mengeksploitasi media elektronik. Meskipun penggunaan media elektronik ini belum dimengerti, akan tetapi desakan bisnis menyebabkan para pelaku bisnis mau tidak mau harus menggunakan media elektronik ini. Peluang dan Tantangan E-Commerce Perkembangan internet berdampak pada perubahan cara organisasi merancang, memproses, memproduksi, memasarkan, dan menyampaikan produk.

Mobile Banking
Mobile banking adalah sebuah layanan yang disediakan oleh bank untuk melakukan berbagai transaksi perbankan melalui berbagi fitur yang ada pada ponsel pintar (smartphone). Selintas layanan mobile banking ini serupa dengan layanan sms banking, namun pada kenyataannya mobile banking memiliki lebih banyak fitur dibandingkan dengan sms banking. Apabila menggunakan layanan sms banking, transaksi hanya dapat dilakukan menggunakan pesan singkat (SMS), maka dengan menggunakan layanan mobile banking Anda dapat menggunakan fitur lain yang lebih canggih.

E-Government adalah penggunaan teknologi informasi oleh pemerintah untuk memberikan informasi dan pelayanan bagi warganya, urusan bisnis, serta hal-hal lain yang berkenaan dengan pemerintahan. e-Government dapat diaplikasikan pada legislatif, yudikatif, atau administrasi publik, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi internal, menyampaikan pelayanan publik, atau proses kepemerintahan yang demokratis. Model penyampaian yang utama adalah Government-to-Citizen atau Government-to-Customer (G2C), Government-to-Business (G2B) serta Government-to-Government (G2G). Keuntungan yang paling diharapkan dari e-government adalah peningkatan efisiensi, kenyamanan, serta aksesibilitas yang lebih baik dari pelayanan publik. Contoh nya seperti NPWP Online .

Sumber :

Softskill - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Tugas 3

Nama : Fikri Faturahman NPM : 14114216 Kelas : 4KA33

Embedded Questions

An embedded question is a question that is included inside another question or statement. They are common after introductory phrases, such as:
  • I wonder …
  • Could you tell me …
  • Do you know…
  • Can you remember…
  • Let's ask…
  • We need to find out…
  • I'd like to know…
  • Could you tell me…
  • I'm not sure…
  • Would you mind explaining…

Rule One
If the embedded question is part of a statement, use a period and not a question mark at the end of the sentence. Also, if the question is in the present or past simple verb tense, omit the auxiliary verbs do, does, and did and change the verb to its appropriate form, as in the example below.

Example :
Direct Question           : When did they leave the hotel?
Embedded Question   : I wonder when they left the hotel.
Direct Question           : Where do you live?
Embedded Question   : I wonder where you live.

Rule Two
If the embedded question includes an auxiliary verb or the verb "to be", reverse the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb, as in the examples below.

Example :
Direct Question           : What is her name?
Embedded Question   : I don’t now what her name is.
Direct Question           : How much is the chocolate?
Embedded Question   : I don’t now how much the chocolate is.

Rule Three
Do not use a verbal contraction at the end of the sentence.

Example :
Direct Question           : What time is it now?
Embedded Question   : Could you tell me what time it is now?
Direct Question           : Who is she?
Embedded Question   : Could you tell me who she is?

Rule Four
Embedded questions are introduced by whether, whether or not, and if when there is no question word in the sentence (yes/no questions).

Example :
Direct Question           : Is she a techer?
Embedded Question   : Do you now whether she is a teacher?
Direct Question           : Does he have any brother?
Embedded Question   : I wanted to know if he has a brother.

Rule Five
The infinitive can follow a question word or whether in embedded questions, as in the following example.

Example :
Direct Question           : What must I bring to England?
Embedded Question   : I don’t know what to bring to England.
Direct Question           : What should I do?
Embedded Question   : Please tell me what to do.

Conditionals Sentences

Conditional sentences usually have two parts, known as clauses. One of these is a result
clause; the other is an if clause. The order of the clauses can usually be reversed.

The traditional types of conditional are called zero, first, second and third.
  • Zero: if + present + present.
  • First: if + present + future simple.
  • Second: if + past simple + would + infinitive.
  • Third: if + past perfect + modal + have + past participle.

The chart breaks conditionals down into three main categories: factual, future and
  • Factual conditionals can be timeless (outside time, expressing habits or scientific facts) or time-bound (referring to present, past or different times).
  • Future conditionals can express a strong or weak condition or result (something will happen or may happen) or be used to give advice or commands.
  • Imaginative conditionals can be hypothetical (unlikely but possible in the present or future) or counterfactual (impossible, referring to present or past time)

Factual Conditionals
If + Subject + verb ( simple present tense ) + Subject + will/ shall + verb (simple future tense)
If + Subject + be +  adjective  + Subject + will/ shall + be + adjective.

Example :
  • If I have enough time, I will finish this job.
  • If you tell him the truth, I will feel angry.
  • If you refuse to leave, he will call the cops.
  • My brother will cry if you hit him.
  • Nana will join you to watch movie if she have time.

Future Conditionals
If + Subject + verb (simple past tense) + Subject + would/ could/ might + verb (past future tense)

Example :
  • If you really cared about your brother, you would not leave him alone.
  • I would buy her presents if today was her birthday.
  • Jenny would be angry if you forgot your weeding anniversary date.
  • I would send her a flower bouquet if she invited me to her birthday.
  • If you went to bed earlier, you could not watch that drama series.

Imaginative Conditionals
If + Subject + had + verb (past perfect tense) + Subject +  would + have + verb (past future perfect tense)

Example :
  • She would have not missed the class if she had woke up earlier.
  • My uncle would have been here if he had gone by motorcycle.
  • If you had been here earlier, you could have gotten a souvenir.
  • If my grandma had known the secret, she would have been shocked.
  • Linda would not get robbed if she had gone home early.


Comparative Adjectives
Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern:

Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).

Example :
  • Mark works harder than Jeff.
  • Carol drives more carefully than Peter.
  • Lydia is taller than Alex.
  • Gorillas are more intelligent than cows.
  • The bigger house is mine.

Superlative Adjectives
Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.

Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).

Example :
  • Ali is the tallest student in our class.
  • Prague is the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen.
  • What’s the most interesting book you’ve ever read?
  • Of all my friends, Alicia calls the most frequently.
  • My red shoes fit the most comfortably of all my shoes.

Source :

  • Colin Finnerty and Onestopenglish 2002
  • English Conditional Sentences - Past, Present, Future; Real, Unreal Conditionals by Manik Joshi
  • UNIT 8 Consumer Society - Comparatives and Superlatives - National Geographic Learning

Kamis, 12 April 2018


IT Forensik merupakan ilmu yang berhubungan dengan pengumpulan fakta dan bukti pelanggaran keamanan sistem informasi serta validasinya menurut metode yang digunakan. Dengan kata lain IT Forensik merupakan cabang dari ilmu komputer tetapi menjurus ke bagian forensik yaitu berkaitan dengan bukti hukum yang ditemukan di komputer dan media penyimpanan digital. Komputer forensik juga dikenal sebagai Digital Forensik yang terdiri dari aplikasi dari ilmu pengetahuan kepada indetifikasi, koleksi, analisa, dan pengujian dari bukti digital.

Selanjutnya bisa klik link ini

Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Tugas 2 Softskill : Manajemen Layanan Sistem Informasi

Strategi Desain Manajemen Sistem Informasi
Tahap desain memutuskan bagaimana sistem akan beroperasi, dalam hal perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, dan  jaringan infrastruktur; antarmuka pengguna, formulir dan laporan, dan program khusus, database, dan file yang akan dibutuhkan.

Tahap desain memiliki empat langkah:
1.    Strategi desain adalah yang pertama dikembangkan. Strategi desain mengklarifikasi apakah sebuah sistem akan dikembangkan oleh programmer dari perusahaan itu sendiri, apakah sistem tersebut akan (outsourced) ke perusahaan lain (biasanya perusahaan konsultasi), atau apakah perusahaan tersebut akan membeli paket perangkat lunak yang tersedia.
2.    Ini mengarah kepada pengembangan dari dasar architecture design untuk sistem tersebut, yang menjelaskan perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, dan infrastruktur jaringan untuk digunakan. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, sistem akan menambahkan atau ,merubah infrastruktur yang sudah ada di dalam organisasi. Desain tatap muka menentukan bagaimana pengguna akan bergerak melalui sistem (contoh, metode navigasi seperti misalnya menu, dan tombol di layar) dan form serta laporan yang akan digunakan oleh sistem.
3.    Basis data dan spesifikasi file dikembangkan. Ini cukup menegaskan data apa yang akan disimpan dan di mana mereka akan disimpan.
4.    Tim analisa mengembangkan program design, yang menetapkan program mana yang harus dituliskan dan apa yang persisnya setiap program akan lakukan.

Ada 2 jenis langkah desain yang dapat digunakan yaitu  Desain Proses Bisnis dan Desain Pemrograman. Desain pemrograman dilakukan oleh Sistem Analis (SA) yaitu membuat desain yang diperlukan untuk pemrograman berdasarkan desain proses bisnis yang telah dibuat oleh BPA. desain ini akan menjadi pedoman bagi programmer untuk menulis source code. Desain pemrograman meliputi :
1.    Desain database
2.    Desain Screen Layout
3.    Desain Diagram Proses
4.    Desain Report Layout

Sumber :

Softskill - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Tugas 2

Nama : Fikri Faturahman    NPM : 14114216   Kelas : 4KA33

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + have/has + V-3 + O
(-) S +-have/has + not + V-3 + 0
(?) Have/has + S + V-3 + O?
Contoh :
(+)I have bought a new car.
(+)My sister has started a new job this week.
(+)She has already submitted her paper.
(+)We have been to Singapore.
(+)Peter has gone to the bookstore.
(-)I haven’t bought a new laptop yet.
(-)My sister has not started a new business.
(-)Julia hasn’t finished her Science project.
(-)We haven’t been to Australia.
(-)He has not gone to the gymnastic class.
(?)Have you bought a new car?
(?)Has your sister started a new business?
(?)Has Julia finished her Science project?
(?)Have they been to Singapore?
(?)Who has gone to the bookstore?

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + has / have + been + Ving
(-) S + has / have + not + been + Ving
(?) Has / have  + S + been + Ving + ?
Contoh :
(+)I just follow the cooking guide and I have been baking the cake for 30 minutes
(+)You have been begging to me for a day but sorry to say that I can’t go
(+)Before we join the competition we have been practicing for a week
(+)They have been admiring him since 2012 and they became the biggest fans club
(+)He has been driving for five hours, if he gets tired I can replace him
(-)I have not been studying yet but now I feel so sleepy
(-)You have not been listening to her music that is why you can’t make a better arrangement
(-)We have not been travelling to the Lombok because we are too busy to go that far
(-)Tom and Marry have not been choosing their department because they are confused
(-)He has not been digging the soil but I want to plant some flowers
(?)Have I been baking the cake for 30 minutes? Because I just follow the cooking guide
(?)Have you been begging to me for a day? but sorry to say that I can’t go
(?)Have we been practicing for a week continuously before we join the competition? 
(?)Have they been admiring him since 2012? All I know is they became the biggest fans club
(?)Has he been driving for five hours? If he gets tired I can replace him

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + had + V3
(-) S + had + not + V3
(?) Had + subjek + V3?
Contoh :
(+)You had studied physics before you move to China.
(+)My mother had slept before I came.
(+)Rina had finished it when he came her house.
(+)She had eaten when I called her.
(+)Before I asked her, she had taken bath.
(-)You had not studied physics before you move to China.
(-)My mother had not slept before I came.
(-)Rina had not finished it when he came her house.
(-)She had not eaten when I called her.
(-)Before I asked her, she had taken bath.
(?)Had you studied physics before you move to China?
(?)Had my mother slept before I came?
(?)Had Rina finished it when he came her house?
(?)Had she eaten when I called her?
(?)Had she taken bath before I asked her?

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + had + been + Ving
(-) S + had + not + been + Ving
(?) Had + S + been + Ving ?
Contoh :
(+)She had been waiting for you for two hours in the cinema
(+)Tommy had been sitting around the coach when you came and looked for him
(+)The fisherman had been hunting the fish all day long
(+)When she came into my room, I had been staying in her room
(+)He was angry because Amanda had been coming late into his private course
(-)he had not been waiting for you for two hours in the cinema
(-)Tommy had not been sitting around the coach when you came and looked for him
(-)The fisherman had not been hunting the fish all day long
(-)When she came into my room, I had not been staying in her room
(-)He was angry because Amanda had not been coming late into his private course
(?)Had she been waiting for you for two hours in the cinema?
(?)Had Tommy been sitting around the coach when you came and looked for him?
(?)Had the fisherman been hunting the fish all day long?
(?)When she came into my room, Had I been staying in her room?
(?)Had Amanda been coming late into his private course? He was angry because of that


Singular Verb
Subject (Singular) + Verb (is) + O
If the subject is a singular noun, or the pronoun he, she or it, you need a singular verb
Example :
The zookeeper is feeding the animals.
The children are playing on the swings.
The earth moves round the sun.
Dad always drives to work.
The clerk is wrapping a package.

Plural Verb
Subject (Plural) + Verb (are) + O
Use a plural verb if the subject is a plural noun, or the pronoun we, you or they
Example :
The stars shine brightly on a clear night.
Mom and Dad love us a lot.
Do you all know the words?
We have finished our game of tennis.
They have both worked very hard.

Sumber :
Basic English Grammar - Erwin Hari Kurniawan
Basic English Grammar - Anne Seaton , Y.H.Mew

Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Softskill - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Tugas 1

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + V-1 (s/es) + O + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + do/does + not + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu.
(?) Do/does + S + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+)They go to the beach on weekend.
(+)They enjoy the sunset.
(+)We like to make a big sand castle.
(+)I read one book every month.
(+)You tell a fairy tale before sleeping.
(-)They don’t go to the beach on Monday.
(-)They do not enjoy a big wave.
(-)We don’t like to swim at the beach.
(-)I do not read a novel this month.
(-)You don’t tell a bad experience before sleeping.
(?)Do they go to the beach on weekend?
(?)Do they enjoy a big wave?
(?)Do we like to swim at the beach?
(?)Do I read one book every month?
(?)Do you tell a fairy tale before sleeping?

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + to be (is,am,are) + V-ing + O+ keterangan waktu.
(-) S + to be (is,am,are) + not + V-ing + O+ keterangan waktu
(?) To be (is,am,are) + S + V ing + O+ keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+)I am reading a book at the moment.
(+)She is washing her hair now.
(+)They are playing basket ball right now.
(+)He is writing a novel.
(+)We are baking some bread. 
(-)She is not wearing a seat belt.
(-)They are not listening to you.
(-)He is not yelling at me.
(-)We are not either whispering or speaking.
(-)I am not smoking.       
(?)Are you eating my chocolate?
(?)Is she taking a bath now?
(?)Are they watching soccer at the moment?
(?)Is he watering the flower?
(?)Are we talking about sport or health? 

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + V2 + O + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O + keterangan waktu.
(?) Did + S + V1 + O + keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+)I went to Jogjakarta with my friends last week.
(+)Dion won the speech contest in his school two days ago.
(+)Sinta and Sindi were at the school library yesterday afternoon.
(+)He sent a letter to his friends last Sunday.
(+)My mother cooked fried rice for my birthday party last month.
(-)Our futsal team did not join the futsal tournament because we didn’t have enough money.
(-)Karina did not get what she expected from the seminar last week.
(-)He did not come to school yesterday because he was sick.
(-)You did not pay the tax last year.
(-)I was not at home when he came last night.
(?)What did you buy last Sunday?
(?)Were you at Andi’s house yesterday?
(?)Where Did Doni go last week?
(?)Did they do the Math exam two days ago?
(?)Was she fat?

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + was/were + V-ing + O + keteran.gan waktu
(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing + O + keteran.gan waktu
(?) Was/were + S + V-ing + O + keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+)I was praying when you came to my house yesterday.
(+)My mother was cooking fried rice while I was repairing my laptop.
(+)Mita was reading a comic when her father called her.
(+)At 08.00 o’clock last night, I was studying English.
(+)Rino was playing PS 3 the whole night yesterday.
(-)I was not having my breakfast when the accident happened.
(-)Rina wasn’t doing her homework when Santi phoned her.
(-)They were not watching television from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. last night.
(-)My father and mother were not watering the plants while I was sweeping in the garden.
(-)He was not washing his car when I came to his house.
(?)Were they eating sandwich during the lunchtime yesterday?
(?)Were you working all night yesterday?
(?)Was Deni reading a book at 3 P.M. yesterday?
(?)Were you studying when I entered your room?
(?)Was Ami going to the school by bus when I met her yesterday?

Sumber :
Basic English Grammar - Erwin Hari Kurniawan